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Contract - US Department of Housing & Urban Develop - 1/28/2016
PLEASE KEEP U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVEL, FOR YOUR CERTIFICATE OF PROJECT COMPLETION FI LES FOR - EDI -SPECIAL PROJECT GRANT NO. B-1( The Grantee, City of Round Rock, hereby certifies that: 1) the project as described in the approved application has been performed/completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the executed Grant Agreement and applicable Grant award statute; 2) all data provided below fairly reflect costs and sources of funds for the project; 3) all data are taken from the HUD approved Financial Status Report and other current related documents; and 4) the Grantee has complied with all the requirements of the Grant Agreement. Description Amounts $ 1) Grant amount per Grant Agreement $500,000 2) Grant amount that meets the allowable and allocable requirements, including the necessary and reasonable $500,000 standard, of OMB Circular A-87 or A-122 3) Cumulative Grant funds drawn down. $500,000 4) Balance available for drawdown. $0.00 (line 2 minus line 3 if greater than zero) 5) Amount to be returned to HUD. $0.00 (line 2 minus line 3 if less than zero) 6) Unused Grant amount to be canceled by HUD $0.00 (line 1 minus line 3 minus line 4 if greater than zero) Name/Title of Grantee Ofticial Signature of Authorizing Grantee Official Date (WARNING: Section 1001, Title 18 of U.S. Code (Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure, 72 Stat. 967) applies to the above statements.) THIS CERTICATE OF PROJECT COMPLETION IS HEREBY APPROVED: Holly A. Kelly Office of Policy Development and Closeout Team Name/Title of Authorizing HUD Program Official 9- 2-04:2- u �b ial Date U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT GRANT CLOSEOUT AGREEMENT FOR 2010 EDI -SPECIAL PROJECT GRANT NO. B -10 -SP -TX -0141 This Agreement, enter into by and between City of Round Rock, Round Rock, TX hereinafter referred to as "Grantee") and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (hereinafter referred to as "HUD"). 1. Whereas, the Grantee undertook activities with financial assistance in the amount of $500,000 from HUD provided pursuant to the authority of Title II of Public Law 111-117 for project no. B -10 -SP -TX -0141 hereinafter referred to as "project". 2 Whereas, the Grantee and HUD entered into a Grant Agreement dated Jul. 22, 2011, as revised by zero amendments, hereinafter referred to as the "Grant Agreement", and; 3. Whereas, the authorized and specified activities which comprise the project have been completed by the Grantee and/or other participating parties, as required by the Grant Agreement, and; 4. Whereas, the Grant Agreement requires compliance with 24 CFR Part 84 or 85, as applicable, which includes requirements continuing after Project completion related to use and disposition of real or personal property purchased with Federal funds, retention of and access to records after close-out dis-allowances of Grant payments, and collection of amounts due; 5. Whereas, the parties hereto desire to close-out the project in reliance upon: 1) Grantee's final progress/performance report including financial data and a performance/narrative report; and 2) the Grantee's Certificate of Project Completion. Now therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises and representations contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: Section A. The Grantee shall continue to comply with the applicable requirements of 24 CFR Part 84 or 85, as applicable, related to the use and disposition of real or personal property purchased with Federal funds, retention of and access to records, after close-out dis-allowances of grant payments, and collection of amounts due. Section B. The Grantee agrees to the Total Grant Amount for the Project, including any reduction in the grant amount caused by a decrease in cost, as indicated on the Grantee's Certificate of Project Completion attached hereto and made a part hereof; Section C. Any excess grant funds drawn by the Grantee, in the amount specified in Line 5 of the Certificate of Project Completion shall have been or shall be returned immediately to HUD under the following repayment terms: not applicable Section D. Any grant funds remaining in the Grantee's Line of Credit account for the referenced Project have been reduced to zero (0) pending any final draw indicated as a positive balance on line 6 of the Certificate of Project Completion. Grantee shall draw down this balance within the following period not applicable or Credit to zero (0) and the Grantee shall have waived its rights to the remaining funding. Section E. Execution of this Agreement shall constitute completion of the Project activities and financial closeout of project costs, except for ongoing requirements described in Section A of this Close-out Agreement. This Close-out Agreement shall be followed as required by the Program directives cited therein and the following additional post close-out requirements shall be followed as committed to in the approved application which was incorporated in the Grant Agreement: not applicable Section F. If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. Section G. If a default occurs under this Agreement or under the Grant Agreement, HUD may at any time proceed to protect all rights available to HUD under this Agreement or under default provisions of the Grant Agreement. Section H. Special Conditions required by this Agreement are attached: not applicable This Grant Close-out Agreement is hereby executed and delivered by the parties hereto on the dates set forth below their respective signatures and the Grantee agrees to abide by all governing regulations as of the date executed by HUD. Grantee's Authorized Official Name: G Signature• M Title: Date: r HUD's Authorized Official Holly A. &AM►O ROUND ROCK TEXAS TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT January 28, 2016 Mayor Alan McGraw Mayor Pro -Tem George White U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 451 7`" Street, SW, Room 7146 Washington, D.C. 20410 Ref: B -10 -SP -TX -0141 FINAL Report To Whom It May Concern: Councilmembers Craig Morgan Frank Leff ingwell Will Peckham Writ Baese Kris Whitfield City Manager Laurie Hadley City Attorney Stephan L. Sheets The Notice to Proceed was issued to Cash Construction Company on March 23, 2015. The duration of construction is set for 720 days. Although the project is not complete, the cost of the work, related to the grant project limits, has exceeded the grant amount and the City's required match. The construction activities included in this work were: • Removal of existing sidewalk, curbs • Street excavation • Removal of existing street lights • Installation of sub -base asphalt • Installation of 18 inch RCP pipe for drainage • Installation of an additional 171 feet of the duct bank for the underground utilities • Construct and pour new driveways, new sidewalks curbs and curb ramps • Installation of two AT&T manholes If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me at (512) 671-2869. Sincerely, L__1; � Caren Lee Transit Coordinator Enclosure CITY OF ROUND ROCK 2008 Enterprise Drive, Round Rock, Texas 78664 [P] 512.218.7044 • [F] 512.218.5536 • roundrocktexas.gov FEDERAL FINANCIAL REPORT (Follow form instructions) 1. Federal Agency and Organizational Element to Which 2. Federal Grant or Other Identifying Number Assigned by Federal Agency (To Report is Submitted report multiple grants, use FFR Attachment) Page of 1 1 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban B -10 -SP -TX -0141 Development pages 3. Recipient Organization (Name and complete address including Zip code) City of Round Rock, 221 E. Main Street, Round Rock, TX 78664 4a. DUNS Number 4b. EIN 5. Recipient Account Number or Identifying 6. Report Type 7. Basis of Accounting Number (To report multiple grants, use FFRn Quarterly ✓ Cash Attachment) La Semi -Annual Accrual 102740792 74-6017485 ❑ Annual Q' Final 8. Project/Grant Period (Month, Day, Year) 9. Reporting Period End Date (Month, Day, Year) From: 7/27/2011 To: 9/30/2018 12/31/2015 10. Transactions Cumulative Use lines a -c for single or combined multiple grant reporting) Federal Cash To report multiple grants separately, also use FFR Attachment a. Cash Receipts $500,000 b. Cash Disbursements $500,000 c. Cash on Hand line a minus b $0 Use lines d -o for single grant reporting) Federal Expenditures and Unobli ated Balance: d. Total Federal funds authorized $500,000 e. Federal share of expenditures $500,000 f. Federal share of unliquidated obligations $0 q. Total Federal share sum of lines a and $500,000 h. Unobli ated balance of Federal funds line d minus $0 Recipient Share: i. Total recipient share required $125 000 i. Recipient share of expenditures $125,000 k. Remaining recipient share to be provided line i minus' $0 Program Income: I. Total Federal share of program income earned 0 m. Program income expended in accordance with the deduction alternative $0 n. Program income expended in accordance with the addition alternative $0 o. Unex ended proqram income line I minus line m or linen $0 11. a. Type b. Rate c. Period Period To d. Base e. Amount Charged f. Federal Share Indirect From Expense . Totals: 12. Remarks: Attach any explanations deemed necessary or information required by Federal sponsoring agency in compliance with governing legislation: 13. Certification: By signing this report, I certify to the best of my knowledge and belief that the report is true, complete, and accurate, and the expenditures, disbursements and cash receipts are for the purposes and intent set forth in the award documents. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent information may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001) a. Typed or Printed Name and Title of Authorized Certifying Official c. Telephone (Area code, number, and extension) n 512-218-3295 d. Email Address 1'/VI Lorie Lankford, Deputy CFOIlankford@roundrocktexas.gov ) �)44?6� b. Signature of Authorized Certifying Official e. Date Report Submitted (Month, Day, Year) 101/11/2016 14. Agency use only: Standard Form 425 - Revised 10/11/2011 OMB Approval Number: 0348-0061 Expiration Date: 2/28/2015 Paperwork Burden Statement According to the Paperwork Reduction Act, as amended, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB Control Number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0348-0061. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1.5 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0348-0061), Washington, DC 20503. CITY OF ROUND ROCK *" All values are subject to verification and adjustments.`* J P.Morgan Transaction Date: EDI Report - Payments with Invoices Current Day ----r- �,.,... __.._.......__. .. r.[]: ui1;.Ti:IR^.IG7A1::.. Account Name: OPERAl1NG ACCOUNT last Updated: Account Number: 456891386 10123/2015 Bank: 11100061- JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. (TX) 04:40 EDT CITY OF ROUND ROCK * CREDIT AMOUNT: $400,000.00 DATE: 10/22/2015 METHOD: FWT * RECEIVER- ABA: 111000614 ACCT: 00000000456891386 * SENDER- NAME: CITY OF ROUND ROCK ID: 90450 * ABA: 011000028 ACCT: 00044902461700003 *------------------------- PAYMENT LEVEL INFORMATION----'--'�"'-------'--- ------------------------- ------------------------- * NOTE: 0TH*/BNF/ORIGINATOR INFORMATION CONTINU * NOTE: 0TH*ED ROUND ROCK TX 78664-5299 * NOTE: 0TH*/TIME/13:23 * TRACE: 1*1022A1Q002BC003157**3228709295FF * CURRENCY: PE*USD * REFERENCE: CR*000000000 * NAME: PR*CITY OF ROUND ROCK * NAME: PE*CITY OF ROUND ROCK * NAME: RB*JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A.*13*111000614 * NAME: FW*STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY*13*011000028 * NAME: OC*FEDERATED SERVICES COMPANY *---------------------------- INVOICE INFORMATION -----------------------------* * CREDIT AMOUNT: $500,000.00 DATE: 10/23/2015 METHOD: ACH CCP * RECEIVER- ABA: 111000614 ACCT: 00000000456891386 * SENDER- NAME: HUD TREAS 310 ID: 9101036151 * ABA: 101036151 ACCT: 00000009101036151 PAYMENT LEVEL INFORMATION =_-_______________________* * NOTE: ZZZ*ACH TRACE NUMBER:101036152617721 * NOTE: ZZZ*ACH COMPANY ENTRY DESCRIPTION: MISC PAY * * REFERENCE: BT*8888888 * REFERENCE:. TN*101036152617721*TRACE NUMBER FROM THE ACH PAYMENT * DATE/TIME: 009*20151022 * NAME: PR*HUD TREAS 310*91*101036151 * NAME: PE*CITY OF ROUND ROCK*91*746017485860103 *---------------------------= INVOICE INFORMATION - ----- ----- ----- * * ENTITY: 1 * NM1*ZZ*3*LOOP START * NAME: ZZ*LOOP START * INVOICE: $0.00 DISCOUNT: $0.00 NET: $0.00 * REMIT: VV *080065701 * NOTE: ZZZ*HUD EDI Special Projects BIOSPTX0141 * DEBIT AMOUNT: $7.50 DATE: 10/23/2015 METHOD: ACH CCP * RECEIVER- ABA: 111000614 ACCT: 00000000456891386 * SENDER- NAME: CITY OF ROUND ROCK ID: 5746000978 * ABA: 091000019 ACCT: 00000005746000978 *------------------------- PAYMENT LEVEL INFORMATION "'------'----'-'-* ------------------------- -------------------------- * NOTE: ZZZ*ACH TRACE NUMBER:091000011512962 * NOTE: ZZZ*ACH COMPANY ENTRY DESCRIPTION:102115 ..:........._�:!f.:n.......::T:S:.�":`:li':i:i1.^.^.S.•�9!L'f:!...._...... ._. .... ... .. ......i :'f:'...�._.._... .::IL:=.�L"., ._._"... :. ... ....__....1.:. .. _....::S.II.'....__. _!1�1tt:7'.:�... ....-.�_.... EDI Report - Payments with Invoices Created On: 10/23/2015 07:11 CDT Page 1 of 2 UE C) Oi o v o_ _}D O O `J• H C r N .0 m 0 a a � c O ZmUw S _ N o E s _ a o S.oUO.E m =3 o tl m N _n CJ Z6 N W y r a m m n m N V O m m to `or m m. c fir. m j� X a> O= n On r m u n 0 g m o o 2-8 y mmol . m a 0 0-o '� av O .Co u L m m 7 E- N in t0,. QJ �_ m m v as E o O m u 9 v¢ V O oo� m ❑O O ( TEL E C5 O 5 m m L o --2 Q n CL. O 00oa S m> E to R! Q. 'a = c �odT. u c c c to m m N c o•EU 4)Qo = o 'm a 6 G o m c O p rA N lCD t= O C C 20_ O d CJ " v - O m c m m ON L N . EO -p p Z5 •= m e h W m o uj S Om m Ul mmE s= D E u w o, m 4=� v mEm@ 3N mO E at� a In tno�� taco a o U E m E m o a mQ= u e o E n o= o rn m� !n m m u m aa L d m cz O c m E ID N'm 7 N p Ll E O m O u L N m me v a` o (n EQ O. 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BOX 1270 Th* PFLUOERMLLE, TX 78891 Order h1"/ilfif.Cli• r.-- uP 01002318?n' 4 1 1 1 3008801: 4568914020' Nf-, •m aut. 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Main Street wummu, 48675 08/11/2015 10023187 Round Rock, TX7uGO4 07/27/2015 Phn.(512)218'54OO Reverse 20224 -$412,812.05 DOC ID# 20550 06/29/2015 —' La Frontera Phase 11 Project $531.375'86 Pay Five Hundred Thirty One Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Five Dollars and 85 cents To The CASH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC Order Of P.O.BOX 1279 FILE COPY PFLUGERV|LLE.TX78691 NON-NEGOTIABLE Citv of Round Rock, Round Rock, TX 78664 Paqe 1 of 1 Check Number: 10023187 - 07/27/2015 313Z La Frontera Phase 11 Project $412,812.05 DOC IDff 20547 07/27/2015 20550 Reverse 20224 -$412,812.05 DOC ID# 20550 06/29/2015 2Z La Frontera Phase 11 Project $677,564.89 DOC IDff 20582 06/29/2015 20584 Reverse 19179 -$677,564.89 DOC ID# 20584 06129/2015 3Z CONTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR SW DO $1,036,925.24 DOC ID9 20667 06/29/2015- 20668 Reverse 19193 -$1.036,925.24 DOC ID# 20668 07/28/2015 4Z CONTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR SW DO $712,287.20 DOC ID# 20669 07/28/2015 20670 Reverse 19763 -$712,287.20 DOC ID# 20670 08/28/2015 5A CONTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR SW DO $531,375.85 DOC ID# 20860 Check A rnbunt 49675 CASH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC 10023187 09/11/2015 $531,375.85 Finance Apvl: Contract # 344 Account # swdt5-461-con Original Contract Amount: Change Orders Revised contract amount: Amount paid to date: Balance due under contract: Payment due this estimate: Amount remaining (not billed): Date Southwest Downtown Phase 5 CAPITAL PROJECT TITLE Vendor # 49675 Cash Contruction Company CONTRACTOR -Q u SEP 112015 13,773,063.00 700,386.00 14,473,449.00 (3,097,938.13) 11,375,510.87 (531,375.85) 10,844,135.02 9/11/2015 5% f ; , i 4 1 :: it gg o ^O �iam o t3a � ii •o f ; , i 4 1 :: it o ^O �iam o t3a � ii •o F.1 P9 gga Y$ 3 x_ H1. 8 o ...1 88a,x g89� a .. .1 8� del . 8 d .. 8 .; ��58�g$8 a8 .� .� i; .s 88 .. 8 g .. 8 9 is 1. :8 d Is 8 8 0 1. 8 89 R S p u .-T n �, :s :T owN : H is LT N :1 IT iT N 1T N IT N H H N is H N H Is N iT o N iT IT iT N 1 § N N H 1: 1.6 or 88 8 8 08 8$ 8 cf N Ninow N N 10 N N N N :L D° dl�"O 83� o � s Q d m N IS S Q ; w gR F uai dd N 8 N 1 h gN gg N N N N p z F $us .d •A d fu N M N N o88818 N N N R - JIM as to a Z 3 rl 11 p n ti $ 85 J C7 i1 VI W W N N NaJLLN V/ N LLN W �� n pN $ � � All iso L u i�. � _ �� j ,�� tg • a g� �TG -C :]� RINI 1! g v8 8 i4 6ul , «SRfi�g 1, p's W2 1�SA 'p �� 2. 4 1' �y�+ ..ti� a �V�58�e8 p$g sg A l iIf 5 I 8 3 ris 888888888888 dN ! it 41 a0899' 1! :1 V. 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L'OCCS=Web Grant Detail Page 1 of 1 C L0 CCS Line of Credit Control System (A67) Web Grant Detail Go MENU WORK H&P L_0'46F Front Page -9- B99SPNY0230 -► BOOSPNY0310 -o. BlOSPFLO294 - - BlOSPFLO128 -► BlOSPIN0078 -e- BlOSPCA0287 -► BlOSPTX0141 Bl OSPTX0141 CITY OF ROUND ROCK User: L. Stillwell EDI Special Projects (EDSI) C: General BudgetVouchers Region: 11 WASHINGTON CPD Office: 92 HEADQUARTERS Tax ID: 74-6017485 -r EDSI DUNS: 102740792 Authorized: 500, 000.00 Disbursed: 500, 000.00 In Process: 0.00 Balance: 0.00 Semi -Annual Report Due covering 07-27-2015 to 01-26-2016, due 03- 01-2016 Program Area Level Payment Information LOCOS Created: 08-01-2011 1110-0061-4 Effective Date: 07-27-2011 ABA No.: CHASE BANK Account No.: 456891386 Checking Pymt Mthds: ACH Contractual Organization Tax ID: 74-6017485 CITY OF ROUND ROCK 301 W. BAGDAD STREET SUITE 140 ROUND ROCK, TX 78664 - Payee Organization Tax ID: 74-6017485 - same as above - Program Area Level Correspondence Mailing Address CAREN LEE 2008 ENTERPRISE DRIVE ROUND ROCK, TX 78664 - http://loccs.hud.gov/loccs/q/q05... Page 1 of 1 Actions Contract Dates Grant History PAS Project Detail Disbursement History Letter History Budget Update Update Thresholds Discontinue Letters Receipt of Outstanding Document Project Notes Update Mailing Address Suspend/Unsuspend Revise Budget Disbursements Bink to •rop.* 3/1/2016