Contract - Atkins North America, Inc. - 9/8/2016STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF WILLIAMSON § SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACT NO.2 TO CONTRACT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FIRM: ATKINS NORTH AMERICA, INC. ("Engineer") ADDRESS: 6504 Bridge Point Parkway, Suite 200, Austin, TX 78730 PROJECT: E. Bagdad Avenue Extension This Supplemental Contract No. 2 to Contract for Engineering Services is made by and between the City of Round Rock, Texas, hereinafter called the "City" and Atkins North America, Inc., hereinafter called the "Engineer". WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed a Contract for Engineering Services, hereinafter called the "Contract", on the 24th day of September, 2015 for the E. Bagdad Avenue Extension Project in the amount of $104,700.41; and WHEREAS, the City and Engineer executed Supplemental Contract No. 1 on March 10, 2016 to amend the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $326,360.94 to a total of $431,061.35; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to amend the Contract to modify the provisions for the scope of services and to increase the compensation by $85,675.85 to a total of $516,737.20; NOW THEREFORE, premises considered, the City and the Engineer agree that said Contract is amended as follows: Article 1, City Services and Exhibit A, City Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit A. I1. Article 2, Engineering Services and Exhibit B, Engineering Services shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit B. Exhibit C, Work Schedule shall be amended as set forth in the attached Addendum To Exhibit C. Supplemental Contract Rev.12/01/08 0199.1539;00363030 84275 Article 4, Compensation and Exhibit D, Fee Schedule shall be amended by increasing by $85,675.85 the lump sum amount payable under the Contract for a total of $516,737.20, as shown by the attached Addendum to Exhibit D. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Engineer have executed this Supplemental Contract in duplicate. ATKINS NORTH AMERICA, INC. By:� 5 r. V CCP a Date CITY OF ROUND ROCK AP VED AS TO FORM: By: 1 Alan McGraw, Mayor Steph L. Sheets, City Attorney tl-ej-lk Date Supplemental Contract Rev. 12/01/08 0199.1539; 00363030 84275 2 ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT A City Services The City of Round Rock Public Works Department will furnish the Engineer the following items/information: TASK 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1. Review and approve invoices. TASK 2: SURVEYING I . Provide any Round Rock specific surveying requirements. TASK 3: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 1. Review and provide feedback on environmental tech memo. TASK 4: PRELIMINARY DESIGN/30% PLANS 1. Review and approve design parameters and typical section. 2. Provide as -built plans for adjacent roadways and trails as needed. 3. Provide City of Round Rock utility information. 4. Provide subdivision plats and site plans along the corridor. 5. Provide available information on existing drainage facilities. 6. Provide hydraulic design criteria. 7. Review and provide comments on 30% plans. 8. Provide applicable information on the City's Downtown Master Plan project including but not limited to current traffic data (ADT and percent trucks), future traffic projections (ADT and percent trucks), and landscaping/beautification guidelines. TASK 6: GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN 1. Review and approve geotechnical analysis and pavement design TASK 7: 60% PLANS 1. Review and provide comments on 60% plans. TASK 8: 95% PLANS 1. Review and provide comments on 95% plans. TASK 9: 100% PLANS/FINAL SUBMITTAL 1. Review and approve 100% plans and submittal documents. TASK 10: WATER QUALITY PLANS AND WATER POLLUTION ABATEMENT PLANS (WPAP) 1. Review and provide feedback on water quality design and WPAP TASK 11: LANDSCAPING PLANS Provide landscaping requirements and guidelines. Review and approve landscaping plans. ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT B Engineering Services PROJECT DESCRIPTION This Supplemental Contract adds water quality, landscaping plans and extensions of Sheppard St and Lampasas St from the proposed McNeil Rd extension to E Bagdad Ave. The proposed project will include a new location 3 -lane extension of McNeil Rd between Mays St and S Black St as well as the widening of S Georgetown St to 3 -lanes between S Black St and E Main St. Lampasas St and Sheppard St will be extended from their current termini at Bagdad Ave to the new McNeil Rd extension. The approximate length of the project is 0.54 miles. TASK 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2. Prepare monthly project status updates and invoices. 3. Manage sub -consultants. 4. Maintain project execution plan including QA/QC plan and schedule. TASK 2: SURVEYING Not included with this supplemental TASK 3: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES Not included with this supplemental TASK 4: PRELIMINARY DESIGN/30% PLANS Not included with this supplemental TASK 5: DIRECT EXPENSES 1. Report Printing TASK 6: GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN Not included with this supplemental TASK 7: 60% PLANS Roadway Prepare cross-sections (50' intervals), calculate limits of construction, verify ROW and construction easements, and compute earthwork quantities for Lampasas St and Sheppard St connections 2. Prepare typical sections for Lampasas St and Sheppard St. The typical sections will include 10' lanes, 9' on street parallel parking, 2' curb and gutter, 4.5' offset from back of curb to the sidewalk, and 5' sidewalk. The typical sections will be in accordance with the Gypsum site plans revised 4/12/2016. 3. Prepare plan/profile sheets for Lampasas St and Sheppard St. 4. Prepare intersection layouts for Lampasas St and Sheppard St at McNeil Rd. 5. Include the Lampasas St and Sheppard St extensions in the Traffic Control Plan (TCP). This will include: a. A detailed TCP shall be developed utilizing the MUTCD and the current TxDOT Barricade and Construction Standards. The TCP will identify the existing and proposed traffic control devices that will be used to handle traffic during construction, including regulatory signs, warning signs, construction warning signs, detour signs, construction pavement markings, channelizing devices, portable changeable message signs, flashing arrow boards, barricades, barriers, etc. b. Prepare a narrative of the construction sequencing, including acceptable construction work hours. 6. Compute and tabulate quantities for the Lampasas St and Sheppard St extensions Traffic 1. Prepare signing and pavement markings layouts for Lampasas St and Sheppard St. 2. Illumination limits are revised to be just on the north side of McNeil Rd and just between Mays St and Burnet St. 3. Prepare small sign, pavement marking, and illumination summaries for Lampasas St and Sheppard St. Drainaue 1. Include Lampasas St and Sheppard St in the drainage report documenting hydrologic and hydraulic methodology and modeling assumptions. 2. Estimate quantities for Lampasas St and Sheppard St. 3. Include Lampasas St and Sheppard St in the onsite drainage plans including storm drains, inlets, outfalls and other associated drainage considerations. Utilities 1. Replace 8 -inch AC water line on Lampasas St, provide stub -outs for future development. 2. Extend water line replacement within proposed Sheppard St ROW. 3. Coordinate with CoRR staff and developer to tie in ultimate utilities. 4. Estimate quantities for Lampasas St and Sheppard St. 5. Include Lampasas St and Sheppard St in the utility plans including alignment, valves, fire hydrants, manhole adjustments, and other associated utility considerations. TASK 8: 95% PLANS (Scope included with Supplemental #2 is for Lampasas St and Sheppard St extensions only) All Disciplines 1. Address comments from the City of Round Rock 60% review. 2. Continue development and detailing of sheets. 3. Prepare construction cost estimate, construction time estimate, specifications, and general notes. 4. Atkins will provide Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) to minimize sediment discharge from the project area during construction in accordance with best management practices. TASK 9: 100% PLANS/FINAL SUBMITTAL (Scope included with Supplemental #2 is for Lampasas St and Sheppard St extensions only) All Disciplines 1. Address comments from the City of Round Rock 95% Review. 2. Prepare construction cost and construction time estimates. 3. Prepare specifications and general notes. TASK 10: WATER QUALITY PLANS AND WATER POLLUTION ABATEMENT PLANS (WPAP) The portion of this project west of approximately halfway between Lampasas St and Sheppard St is located over the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone. TCEQ requires a WPAP be submitted to prove that the required pollutant removal rates are achieved for proposed conditions. Atkins will meet and coordinate with both City and TCEQ staff during the 60% design effort in order to obtain preliminary concurrence with the proposed water quality strategy to treat the impervious cover being added by this roadway project within the Edwards Aquifer recharge zone. Atkins will develop and submit the WPAP to TCEQ, and respond to TCEQ comments as required to assist in obtaining TCEQ approval for the construction of this project. 2. A Geologic Assessment (GA) will be prepared to support the WPAP. This is required to be a part of the WPAP. The GE effort will include: a. Background Information Compilation — Published reports will be reviewed and the information used to describe the geological and groundwater conditions within approximately one half -mile of the tract. Primary sources of this information will be geological and groundwater reports published by the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, TexasWater Development Board, and US Geological Survey (USGS). Relevant theses and dissertations, cave -related publications, fault and lineament maps, and digital topographic maps from the USGS will also be examined. b. Aerial Photography Examination — Photography of the project and surrounding areas will be examined for evidence of lineaments, sinkholes, lithologic contacts, bluffs and other relevant geological features. Photography available from the Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS) will be used for this purpose. c. Field Survey — A walking survey will be conducted to locate and describe recharge, karst, and other critical environmental features that may require protection or mitigation. The survey will be conducted along transects with 25 -foot spacing, unless site conditions require closer transects. Identified features will be staked and/or flagged and photographed, and their positions will be determined using a handheld GPS device. The survey will be conducted only within the boundaries of the property, and that access to the property will be made available by the project owner. d. Excavation of Features — An initial reconnaissance excavation and probing of non - cave karst features will be conducted to determine if a cave is present. Such excavations and probing will be done by hand only, and steps will be taken to return the features to their original state following excavation. For features that cannot be excavated and probed by hand, other signs (e.g., air flow, presence of cave crickets) will be used to assess whether a cave is present. At this time, no remote sensing technology (e.g., geophysics or video cameras) to investigate such features are proposed. e. Report Preparation — A written report will be prepared that contains the information required by the TCEQ. The report will include, as appropriate: • Narrative that describes the location, topography, physiography, roads, drainages, and impervious cover of the project and adjacent area. • Narrative of the geology and adjacent area that addresses stratigraphy, geologic structure, lithologic contacts, fractures, faults, sinkholes, known caves, springs, US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) karst zones, and soil units. • Narrative describing the field survey and methods. • Narrative describing each identified karst and recharge feature, including dimensions, type, trend, possible origin, entrance elevation, geologic characteristics, surface drainage area and conditions, results of excavation, and wildlife observations. • USGS 7.5 -minute topographic map or equivalent map delineating the project site, karst faunal zones (as defined by USFWS), identified features in the surveyed area, and recommended protection areas (if applicable). The map shall also show caves, sinkholes, fractures, faults, and water wells within one half mile of the project area discovered from literature, aerial photographs, or other sources. Site geology map, soils map, and a stratigraphic column. 3. Atkins will provide water quality construction plans and details sufficient to construct the water quality elements for this project as agreed upon by City Staff and approved by TCEQ. The proposed water quality treatment improvements will include a water quality vault in line with the proposed storm sewer. It is assumed that TCEQ will approve this approach and an evaluation of alternatives will not be needed. TASK 11: LANDSCAPING AND IRRIGATION PLANS Land Strategies, Inc. (LSI) will .prepare construction drawings for the landscape and irrigation into an overall design package. Included in this package will be landscape and irrigation details for approximately ±1,065 linear feet of landscaping along the south side of McNeil Road between S. Mays Street and S. Burnet Street. 2. The plans will be based on the plant palette provided by the City of Round Rock. Included in the package will be plans and associated notes, details, and specifications for the landscape and irrigation. Irrigation design and plans will be provided via LSI from a third -party irrigation consultant. Plans will reflect trees along the south side of McNeil Road within the area between the curb and the sidewalk, and will be in general compliance with Round Rock Transportation Master Plan's Streetscape Design Concept (dated March 2016). 4. LSI will prepare an opinion of probable cost for the plantings and irrigation. 5. LSI will provide Atkins with construction drawings reflecting the landscape and irrigation plans, details, and estimate(s), which will be submitted by Atkins to the City of Round Rock, at the 60% submittal. 6. Upon City review of the 60% drawings, LSI will address the comments issued by the City; the same process will occur at both the 95% and 100% submittals. 7. A list of specifications, special provisions, and general notes will be included with the 95% submittal, and will be suitable for bidding and awarding of a construction contract at the 100% submittal as well. NOT INCLUDED WITHIIN THIS SCOPE The following items are not included with this scope because the level of effort to complete these tasks is very dependent on the final route selected. These items, if necessary, would be added to the scope through a supplemental agreement. 1. The project team assumes the project will be constructed using local funding sources and will not require any federal permitting. 2. TxDOT environmental document 3. Environmental permitting or agency coordination other that TCEQ coordination for WPAP approval 4. Concrete fence plans 5. Public involvement 6. Storm water detention design or associated plans 7. Bid package preparation 8. Water quality design or coordination with TCEQ for improvements other than the roadway improvements being proposed with this project. DELIVERABLES Proiect Management I . Monthly project status updates and invoices 60% Submittal 1. Electronic submittal and two 1 I "X 17" plan sets to include all required plan sheets and cross sections 2. Drainage Report 3. 60% construction cost estimate 95% Submittal 1. Electronic submittal and two I1"X17" plan sets to include all revised plan sheets and cross sections 2. Drainage Report 3. 95% construction cost estimate 4. A list of Specifications, Special Provisions and General Notes 100% Submittal I . Electronic submittal and two final signed and sealed sets of 11 "X 17" full-scale paper drawings. Specifications and special provisions will be complete and suitable for bidding and award of a construction contract. 2. One electronic file of drawings, cross sections and supporting data 3. 100% cost estimate 4. Construction time estimate Water Quality 1. Water quality construction plans and details will be included with the 60% submittal and subsequent submittals 2. Geologic Assessment 3. WPAP will be submitted to TCEQ after 60% submittal review comments are received Landscaping and Irrigation 1. Landscaping plans, details and estimate will be included with the 60% submittal. Review comments from the 60% submittal will be addressed in the 95% submittal. Irrigation design and plans will be submitted along with the 95% submittal. Review comments from the 95% submittal will be addressed in the 100% submittal. 2. A list of Specifications, Special Provisions and General Notes will be included with the 95% submittal. 3. Specifications and special provisions will be complete and suitable for bidding and award of a construction contract at the 100% submittal. ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT C Work Schedule Attached Behind This Page LD C) AL 0 0 O to O 0 ;i o +' 0 N O C/ 7 7 7 m m Il C Ln � y O I rl 0 N 0 u U C) C/ Ln Ln r -I LO ci W -4 lD \ n LD O \ n 1i c n r -I \ \ O \ N LD i-1 \ o �" L w LD r1 \ M lD LD ci lD \ n lD a -i \ n c-1 LD r-1 \ n c-4 \ W c -I -4 \ M r -I 1- ci \ \ n n ci n ci M -1 ci Ol \ ci \ M ci \ c -I \ \ \ \ \ 01 \ \ i --I Dl N \ \ \ N \ \ Dl \ m \ LD \ u1 V1 \ \ M O .-i \ w \ r -I Ln \ \ a -i �••� r1 n \ ci \ O .-i V \ c -I ci \ r1 pl \ -i c -I \ N a--1 \ ID \ -I \ N 1- .1 N \ N \ .-t m N Dl _0 c \ is C n \\ lD lD c \ n 1, \ n C O �--1 O -4 c �-i -1 C C N e-1 N c \ C C \\ N N c c \ m z •c aj cu eO eO ecO Cp eO eO Cp i eO ` eO CO eO eO Q i..� G LL G F LL LL C LL LL C LL LL G LL G C LL LL G LL G C LL LL G G LL z w w U ~ lf) Ln .-I lD c -I Ln i -I Ln Lo Ln L.O lD ci W tD .-i l0 lD \ \ c-1 l0 .-I lD IDD \ IDD \ O ,--1 n n n i --I n N lD n \ \ O \ N \ O \ c•'L \ .--f \ c -I \ \ m ci \ lD ,-i \ ,-i \ a -I \ O c -I n ri \ o0 \ 1. `"L \ .-I \ N `-1 D) .-I \ O \ �••L \ a -I \ \ O \ ^ c -i \ c -I \ Ql Q S D1 N M .-I M \ \ \ �--i r \ Vl N M c"1 M -I \ O \ O �--I \ \ -I � \ 00 \ \ N \ N N \ D- O N O ry N M 00 N N m d Q w QD1 \ \ m \ 01 \ Ql O O O \ lD \ O \ \ \ M \ c \ a1 r -I O c r -I c"L r-1 r-1 c -i N \ c-1 \ .--I \ \ N \ N �--I \ \ O t+ " O c "r O c -I N .--I C C LD n C Q1 D1 C C ri C a -I r-1 C C c -I C .-L r -I C C 01 N O N O W O 3 O O O N N O aJ O O O O O O O O O O O W O O O W aJ Q N F F- I- F- m w O m m m m Ln Ln N to y N to - T T T "a "O V 'O T T m Tm m m T T m T m m T T m T m m T T m m m m TS •a -a n m v m v 'o ro v 'o 'C 'o m _0 m -0 -0 m v 10 v m v m v 'o m -a v m Lo -0p -o "O Q e -i e -i e -I Ln e -r Ln .1 0, e -i n ri Ln e-1 v r -I a1 Ln n o a LT r-1 Ln ei a I i _1 Ln a Rt N Ln a_0 -4 4 Ln M m-0 N m e-1 W t N O Y E c o g a1 E E c u O L� u C: wCU c 00 C 00 C IN F- C : aJ a) a) a) E m Q Q Q c c o c a, 0D N c a, OD N C a, W w O m m ro m ro m E d c d C d c � u c C p m p m p m c im+ m C:Y O -0 O Q °� L Q a'� M Q o2f d aa) E aj E O E v Q c _0 c , 3 a' UD y „ 3 °� Y N 3 .O +' a, cu w fO a� m fO a a a s C m N d K Q V li Z3 M li LY Ln D C f�0 C C O }' c u o O +' u o O " u m n Ln N C m L m o T aj c m o T c m a Ln T m a Q a) m Q m y E a `� LD iL a m m v a o c u z z ro co 3 ° v I- 3 I- 3 o F o o o aj s E > a o v c o > N v c o > o +� v rn fa Q Q T c v 3 E v s d v E� v w -30 F° d- E a o z � � v o m CL o C v ;; m o y C v a o Y c v a o\ K N u G O tY Ln u G cc Ln C.7 L LL' Ln ra F I- z c Q c Q oc Ln u, a aj C7 a a a Ln .-i N M ln. lD n 00 M O ei .--I ei N 1-i M r-1 a ei Ln .-1 lD .-i n �lq o0 .1 M .-i O N V i �"�N N M N a N Ln N LD N n N as N M �rq O im., D ADDENDUM TO EXHIBIT D Fee Schedule Attached Behind This Page Z O Cl) N Z W J X I.- ❑ W Z H w W m Q W = ❑ -J x CL LLI ❑ n. 0 D m w O wi N E ZI a M N V1 O G1 C\ N 7 CD fr l� M O CM f7V �n!1 � 69 69 69 69 m a r LO V V r 00 W r P- rl- LO r co O W N M o O m O o ti O N f- d' r 00 W � M ON "j 6�O 664 000 Ei> Ef> 6-> 64> 0 F- O O O U) O O O LO O O o 3 69 CN N (1) 69, C O V 7 M N N L Q CN C14 6c> dU O� .O. ❑ y r r- LO r (O UN co (O LLr) o coo c Cl) t o I- IT r LO O N O) LO M - 7 c6 M 69 6-> 69 c') co HJ (-> i E9 64 m J yc=0 0000 I- O r It N M V F- O r N f6 J � c Q m 0- IL O -0 mE c c F- -0.` cn r c N c — 0) E(n c cu a 0 m 0) � .w rn cIL N in m.6 CL x c ca c O m C U J W a a a s 0) p U o o 0 o o O> N c W F - 0 Q O (D m J > .. O r ❑ r LO � 00 O r r Z �C Y Y -C -x x Y Q F- F- F F - F- 0 M N V1 O G1 C\ N 7 CD fr l� M O CM f7V �n!1 � 69 69 69 69 m a CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 10f1 Complete Nos. 1 - 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. 7-7 OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2016-98063 Atkins North America, Inc. Tampa, FL United States Date Filed: 08/11/2016 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. E Bagdad Ave Extension Project water quality design, landscaping design and engineering and design of additional roadway connections at Lampasas St and Sheppard St. 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable) Controlling Intermediary The Atkins North America Holdings Corporation Tampa, FL United States X Barry Jr., Thomas F. Orlando, FL United States X Quinn Sr., David D. Boston, MA United States X Winkler, William R. New York, NY United States X Schulz, Barry J. Denver, CO United States X Newton, Michael W. Tampa, FL United States X Edgar IV, C. Ernest Tampa, FL United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. DEBORAH LYNN SHIMEL MY COMMISSION # FF 036524 * �= EXPIRES: November 13, 2017v, Bonded Thru Notary Pudic underwriters Signature of authorized agent of contracting busine entity Rene de los Rios, Assistant Secretary AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said Rene de los Rios, Assistant this the 11th day of August 20 6 to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Secretary Deborah Lynn Shimel Notary Signature of officer dmmistering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.277 CERTIFICATE OF INTERESTED PARTIES FORM 1295 1 of 1 Complete Nos, 1- 4 and 6 if there are interested parties. OFFICE USE ONLY Complete Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 if there are no interested parties. CERTIFICATION OF FILING Certificate Number: 1 Name of business entity filing form, and the city, state and country of the business entity's place of business. 2016-98063 Atkins North America, Inc. Tampa, FL United States Date Filed: 08/11/2016 2 Name of governmental entity or state agency that is a party to the contract for which the form is being filed. City of Round Rock Date Acknowledged: 08/18/2016 3 Provide the identification number used by the governmental entity or state agency to track or identify the contract, and provide a description of the services, goods, or other property to be provided under the contract. E Bagdad Ave Extension Project water quality design, landscaping design and engineering and design of additional roadway connections at Lampasas St and Sheppard St. 4 Nature of interest Name of Interested Party City, State, Country (place of business) (check applicable) Controlling I Intermediary The Atkins North America Holdings Corporation Tampa, FL United States X Barry Jr., Thomas F. Orlando, FL United States X Quinn Sr., David D. Boston, MA United States X Winkler, William R. New York, NY United States X Schulz, Barry J. Denver, CO United States X Newton, Michael W. Tampa, FL United States X Edgar IV, C. Ernest Tampa, FL United States X 5 Check only if there is NO Interested Party. ❑ 6 AFFIDAVIT I swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the above disclosure is true and correct. Signature of authorized agent of contracting business entity AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE Sworn to and subscribed before me, by the said this the day of 20 , to certify which, witness my hand and seal of office. Signature of officer administering oath Printed name of officer administering oath Title of officer administering oath Forms provided by Texas Ethics Commission www.ethics.state.tx.us Version V1.0.277